Saturday 2 June 2012

Bathroom Basics: Asia Edition

During our travels we have learned to expect the unexpected.  This seems particularly important when dealing with bathrooms abroad.  When we reach for that unfamiliar bathroom door we need to ask ourselves a few questions: Western or squat, flush or self-flush, toilet paper or bucket or spray-hose (or as we like to call it - the bum gun)?  Can we flush toilet paper or will there be a garbage can...or my least favorite: neither.

We had thought we had seen it all when we came across our most basic bathroom yet.  Our bus had come to a brief stop in Laos for a bathroom break.  I was waiting my turn when Adam came out of the stall with a frown upon his face and said "It's not really a bathroom..."  Without further elaboration, I strolled in thinking I was such an avid traveler, I could handle any type of toilet system. Wrong. I think I actually laughed out loud when I found myself standing in a small stall with a drum of water in one corner and an ever so slight angling of the concrete floor into a different corner.

I guess we have to add another question to our list when we reach for that door now: toilet or no toilet?

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