Friday 16 March 2012


If we had to pick a focus for our time spent in Malaysia, then the undeniable answer would be food.  Simple as that.  The food here is amazing and we came with big appetites.

"Best Indian meal of my life" - Adam Pawlak 05/03/12 
Our first stop in Malaysia was Penang, or more specifically Georgetown. Penang is renowned in Malaysia for its delicious food, and I knew from the first day we arrived that we were going to be very happy here.  I think much of this is owed to the unique blend of cultures found in Malaysia: mainly being Malay, Chinese, and Indian.  You are spoiled for choice, and anything you do choose is sure to please.  You could gorge yourself on some incredible Indian curries for lunch, and then chow down on some Chinese noodles at a street market for dinner.  And while you are sitting in that street market, you may look around and find a woman in a headscarf to your right, a woman in a sari to your left, and another woman in a simple tanktop and shorts sitting directly in front of you.


I suppose I should also mention something of the sights on this island as well...and they are worth mentioning.  When we weren't enjoying a nice meal, we were exploring the winding streets of Chinatown, little India, and the beautiful colonial area of Georgetown.  There was such an interesting feel to the place.  We especially enjoyed finding a street containing a Buddhist temple, a Hindu temple, and a mosque all within a few blocks of each other.

A rhinoceros beetle.  
After a few days in Georgetown, we made our way across the peninsula and hopped on a ferry to the Perhentian Islands.  We stayed on Kecil (aka the small) island and I think this would probably be our favorite island visited so far.  More laid back than its Thai neighbours, and with water so clear you can see the colourful fish and coral below without even stepping off the dock.  Oh yeah, and the food was amazing too. Three dollars for twelve sticks of satay? Yes please!





We headed back inland after a few nights on the beach to the Cameron Highlands.  We welcomed the respite from the heat in the higher altitude, and spent our time in the area eating Tandoori chicken.  In between our chicken and requisite relaxation time, we also managed to visit tea plantations, strawberry farms, and butterfly sanctuaries.  




We are now in Kuala Lumpur with our resident guide and foodie - one fabulous Miss Yan Liew.  You can expect another post to follow shortly recounting some of the amazing meals we are enjoying in the capital.


  1. Great post----made me very hungry just reading it. Lucky that you have not only the fabulous, but also most beautiful guide in Malaysia!!!! Hi to Yan and her parents
    Love Mom and Dad

  2. It's an absolute pleasure to have Paula and Adam come to my side of the world. Hi Papa and Mama Hunter! Yan x
