Saturday 10 September 2011


We arrived in Lima safely on Thursday night and were met by a couple of people from the hostel.  After a stimulating discussion on economics, we found our hostel in Miraflores - Open Guest House.

The guest house is very charming and the staff was very welcoming.  They have been really helpful with offering restaurant and tour advice, as well as giving us a overview of Peruvian history and culture.

Our first day we spent walking around Miraflores and the Costa Verde.  In the evening, we went to the Circuito Magico del Agua for an amazing evening of fountains, music, and neon lasers.  There was a water labyrinth that we managed to navigate...some more quickly than others.  Water would spring up at unexpected times from different places, making it a challenge to get to the center and back without getting soaked.

Today we took a free walking tour in Lima Centro around Plaza de Armas.  We learned a lot about the Spanish conquest of Peru and their battles with the Incas.  Spoiler alert: the Spanish won...for now.

We have enjoyed Lima so far.  It seems to get a bad rep from other travellers, but everyone has been very friendly, we`ve eaten delicious, cheap food, and we have felt safe everywhere we have been.  We are off to Cuzco tomorrow.  You will hear more from us there.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you´re having fun. Safe travels.
